First, to update your video card drivers , you must know what card and operating system (Windows XP / Vista / 7 and 32/64 bit)you have. This information is available through your DXDIAG, please to see these steps if you do not know your hardware.
The latest ATI drivers are available on their site to download the latest driver for your ATI graphics card, please follow the following tutorial :
* Step 1: The type of computer used (desktop, laptop etc).
Step 2: The product family
Step 3: The product name
Step 4: The operating system
Step 5: View Results
ATI offers Catalyst and then download the updated driver, or driver only.
In the first case, simply click on “Download” right on “AMD Catalyst”
In the second case, you must click the second tab “Individual Download” and then click on “Download”to download the driver
Once downloaded, start the installation by double-clicking on the executable downloaded previously.
You may need to restart your computer after this manipulation
Example: A desktop computer equipped with an ATI HD6870 in Windows 7 (64 bit), we will fill the fields as follows:
* Step 1: The type of computer used> Desktop Graphics (Desktop)
Step 2: The product family> Radeon HD
Step 3: The product name> Radeon HD 6XXX series
Step 4: The operating system> Windows 7 (64 bit)
Step 5: View Results
ATI will then propose the latest driver for your graphics card.
* Note: If your computer is a netbook / notebook (laptop), you must notify the first step: