
Minimal configuration

PC Windows XP / Vista and 7
CPU: 166 MHz (233 MHz recommended)
32 MB RAM (64 MB recommended)
100 MB available hard disk space
Sound Blaster and compatible
Video Card 4 MB (8 MB ​​recommended) compatible Direct X 7

Problem at launch the game

In case of problems during the launch of Amerzone Please disable visual themes:

  1. Right-click the shortcut of the game
  2. Click on Properties
  3. Tab Compatibility
  4. Check the box: Disable visual themes
  5. Then apply and run your game by this shortcut

/!\ Handling below is applicable only under Windows XP /!\

If you experience slowdowns when playing videos , please reduce the audio hardware acceleration level :

  1. Click on Start then Run or press simultaneously keys Windows and R on your keyboard
  2. Enter the program name below: DXDIAG
  3. Click on the tab Her
  4. Lower the acceleration <Accélération complète> to <Accélération standard>
  5. Exit and restart your game
amerzone.txt · Dernière modification: 2013/02/12 12:12 (modification externe)