Table des matières

Dracula 4 Eng

System requirement PC/MAC

Windows® XP/Vista/7/8
CPU: 2 Ghz
RAM: 2 Go
Vidéo: 1 Go
Directx 9.0C / OpenGL


Mac OS® X 10.5, 10.6 ou 10.7
Processeur Intel® : 2 Ghz
Mémoire vive : 2 Go de RAM

Problem to get the first phone call

Download this pack of savegames :
Extract with winzip (or other).

Use a savegame of this pack to solve the problem :

Before the first call : save_premier_appel.xml
After the exit of Manor : save_sortie_manoir.xml

Before the second call : save_second_appel.xml
Just before leaving : save_cuisine.xml

How to change the save :

Go to My Documents, My Games, Dracula 4, then in the appropriate profile (or the only profile).

Delete the “save.xml” file (for safety, it is advisable to simply move on the desktop).

Put the backup selected in the profile folder and rename it : right click on the file → rename → “save.xml” or “save” if your computer is not configured to show the extensions (.xml not appear).

Start the game → continue

In case of problem with this process please contact technical support.
