====== Euro Truck Simulator ====== ===== System requiments Euro Truck ===== * System : Windows XP/Vista/7 * Processorr : Pentium IV 3 GHz * Memory : 1 Gb (2Gb for Vista/7) * Video card : GeForce 6/Radeon 9800 ou better * Hard disk space : 600 Mo * Direct x : Compatible Directx 9 * Sound card : Directx 9 * CD-ROM or DVD-ROM * Multiplayer : No ===== Official updates ===== You will find all update at the folliwing adress : [[http://www.eurotrucksimulator.com/update.php]] ===== Unofficial Updates ===== You will find other trucks and tips at the following adresses : * [[http://18wheelsofsteel.xooit.com/index.php]] * [[http://gdtrucks.gd.funpic.de/]] * [[http://truckpol.proboards35.com/]] The installation of the additions is a bit special, please chech on forums and sites dedicated for complement: In the directory of games you will find a file named base.sce, once you found it, rename it Base.zip, then open it with Winzip or Winrar and put them trucks (add them to the ZIP , right click on the file and "Add to ZIP"), then rename it as the start base.sce. Restart the game and new items should appear.